Saturday 26 April 2014

Spending Ban & Selling

At the beginning of the week I began doing my finances for this month, and realised how much I spend a month on clothes/makeup/eating out etc... I spend over £300 a month. That is way too flaming much. 

So I'm going on a spending ban. Yup, me, the queen of Spending is going on a spending ban. I think it will do me the world of good, and teach me to value what I own a lot more (not that I don't already!).

I'm deducing my hours at work again, so I'm only going to be getting £480 a month again (not much) so I need to cut back a bit. £200 will be for rent, I'll be putting £80 into an old savings account I have, and the other £200 will be for the necessity's. Whatever is left over until my next money instalment will be taken out, and put into my glass jar.

I also get paid £20 a week to do the cleaning of the whole of the house (including my bedsit), so each week £20 will go into the glass jar. I'm going away in June to a friend's down near Somerset, so I need to really save some money, and also planning a holiday abroad at some point this year/early next year. 

I also decided to count how many dresses I own... Big mistake. I own 45 dresses... THAT IS NOT RIGHT!!!! So, I decided I'm going to have a trawl through them, have a look and see what dresses I don't wear, and will be selling them on my eBay page and ones which are a bit worse for wear will be going to charity.

I mean who REALLY needs to own 45 dresses; not me! (although it will probably kill me inside to sell them!)

Also the profited money will be going into the little savings pot too!

Well my friends, here is the start of a new (grown up) horizon. I think I need to learn I don't buy a dress for the sake of buying a dress!

For my glass jar, I used an old Yankee Candle jar, cleaned it out, added a little ribbon round the top and added some little gems into the bottom to make it all pretty!

How I'm going to do it

1. I'm not going to tempt myself... I'm not going to keep looking through eBay or any of my favourite shops (online or in store) because then I will feel compelled to buy something.

2. Selling my clothes will help me to understand the concepts and transfers of money, and teach me its good to let go and not hoard stuff I probably don't need.

3. Keep myself organised, cause then I won't freak out about how much I own.

If you have any tips for my that would be amazing/awesome, cause it will be tough! I still will be spending, like normal expenditures like food/travel etc but I'm going to keep a close eye on what I do from now on.

Oh and life update... I'm looking for a new job (yay for the adult life).

See you soon poppets, might do a life post/update soon, so let me know if there's anything you'd like to know about!

Lots of Love Munchkins

Emma Victoria


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