Friday 13 September 2013

The First Time Tag!

Hello! Its that time of the week for my weekly post on anything that I feel like posting - today's post is going to be 'The First Time' Tag which my lovely friend and fellow blogger Amna from ASQGenerates alerted me of on Twitter!  

1. First Best Friend? 

My 1st Best Friend is still my best friend now! My friend Sophie and me have been friends since we were around 2 -3 years old! Now we are both 18! We have been through so many ups and downs through the years, and our greatest memory has to be the Easter egg being thrown against my wardrobe cause I couldn't open it! I really hope that we have many more memories together in the future and that we never ever lose touch! We are 15 years strong!

2. First Kiss?

Oh sugar, I can't remember this far back *blush*... If I'm correct (which I really hope I am) it was with my first boyfriend Jason - we had been together for 3 months and it was just a simple little peck on the cheeks, nothing more, very sweet and very innocent. After him I've only ever kissed 1 other guy... and that was my longest relationship (10 months) but he left to move to New Zealand.

3. First Concert?

Oh crickey, I'm super proud to have said my first concert was My Chemical Romance (15th November 2007) - I know the date because this was the best day in my life EVER! Seeing my favourite band ever, and they were the first band I ever got to see! Their set was amazing, it was part of the Black Parade Tour, and I wore my Black Parade jacket, black tights, black boots, military style dress/top and my BP make-up. Oh the good old days!

4. First Celebrity Crush?

I know (and I hope) that I'm not the only person to say Duncan and Anthony from Blue! I was absolutely in love with them when I was younger. Everytime I went to stagecoach and we did our little exam pieces I guarantee it was always either a Blue song or a Steps song. I'm still not afraid to say that Duncan still isn't bad looking...

5. First Word?

My first word was Dad... I've always been a daddy's girl so that's no real surprise! 

6. First Pet?

I'm gonna say my nan's dog Coco - Coco wasn't my dog but when I was younger I spent a lot of time at my nan's when my brother was born due to his complexity of his disability then. Coco was a chocolate minature poodle, who tragically died very quickly due to Cancer. Then it was my nan's cats who I also spent a lot of time with, Holston and Cosmic. Who also died due to Cancer (trend here?). Then I got my dog Freddie who is a beautiful Yellow Labrador!

7. First job?

My first job was with Brighton and Hove Albion football club (queue the abuse) - I am a Blackpool fan, I always have been, however I started working and training as a wheelchair football coach and did my Duke of Edinburgh with the club. I joined back in March 2009, and left in March 2012 after many disagreements over how things were being ran and how some children were being pushed to the side.

8. First Phone?

My first phone was the Motorola L6 in Blue! I blooming loved that phone, however I was on Pay as you Go with Orange (this phone was given on the contract). However, Orange screwed us over big time and virtually stole our money. 

9. First Tweet?

I have absolutely no idea! This was 22,849 tweets ago. It was probably along the lines of 'how do you use twitter?'...

10. First make-up?

It was the Miss Sporty 'Spot On' Foundation - I've always had really bad spots on my face, when I get them, I get them badly. (I have some seriously sore ones right now, and they hurt like hell!) I still buy this now, as it does help a bit to reduce redness and the duration of them!

Now I shall tag some people I think might want to do this cheeky little tag!



P.S Next week will be another tag that Stephanie tagged me in (check hers out before you see mine!


Emma Victoria


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