Sunday 26 May 2013

Scaffold/Industrial Bar Piercing!

Today I was asked about how I care for my piercings and how long I've had them and how long they took to heal... I don't have a tonne of piercings, and I don't have any tattoo's (yet)...
Shh don't tell anyone this is my one of my
AS Final Photography photos!

So lets start with my lobe piercings! I have 2 lobe piercings, which I love very much and have a lot of fun with different pairings of earrings! 

My bottom lobe (the pink earring) I got when I was 7, and I have never ever had any infections with them!! I got mine done at a local hairdresser/piercing salon, and got them done for £10. I had gold studs at first, and I only kept them in for 6 weeks instead of 12, however my ears healed super early! When I first got these done I used tap water in a cup using the cotton q-tips and turned them every day to avoid any crusty stuff round my ears as they healed! At 6 weeks I changed my studs, and since I have never had a problem! 

Now onto my second lobe (the blue earring), I have had the opposite of what I had with my first lobe! Getting these done was absolutely hellish. I got these when I was in year 7 at school so I was about 11 years old. I went to my local hairdressers, and she said she would do them for me, relatively cheap, so she should me all the proper things, like her certificate to pierce etc. And everything was fine, got my ear's pierced, but this time, instead of after a couple of hours of my ears feeling hot and then cooling down and just being a bit sore, I had them sore and my earrings relatively hot for about a week, so I went down the doctors, and quoting my lovely doctor, "there is a good chance your ear is infected cause the piercing gun or earrings weren't sterilised or cleaned properly". I do occasionally still get infections in my 2nd lobes, but they are generally pretty good now, seeing as I clean them with a product I import from America called H2Ocean - I absolutely swear by this stuff! It has done magic on my ears!

Now onto my scaffold/industrial bar; I have wanted this piercing for absolutely years! Since I was about 12, however I finally got this done in February 2012 with my friends in Eastbourne! It took just under a year for mine to heal, I was told to leave my bar the same for 6 months and then change it, however, me being super impatient I changed it after 2 and a half months, and it was fine until it got infected. I became hot and sore to touch, so me being the person constantly reluctant to visit the doctors, I actually used my H2Ocean spray, which worked WONDERS! My infection cleared after a week and I've never had a problem since with it! I now change my bars all the time, and my corkscrew bar (the one in the picture) has to be my favourite!

I buy my studs from all sorts of place such as Claire's, Primark, New Look, shops online etc! And I buy a lot of my scaffold barbells either online or a piercing shop called Tizz's in Lewes, which is near Brighton! I bought my H2Ocean spray from Amazon for £9.99, which you can buy here. I still use my H2Ocean spray just to keep my ears and earrings sterile and clean!

Lots of Love

Emma Victoria


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