Monday 27 May 2013

Weekly Overview!

Seeing as its the bank holiday, I thought I'd do another blog post for you all! I also thought that now I've started doing my weekly OOTW (every Tuesday!) I thought that I'd add another little personal segment so you can keep up with my personal life a bit as well! I will probably post my 'Weekly Overview on a Sunday  looking forward to the week I have ahead of me!

Today: First of all, I am up super early to go and cut the lawn, seeing as I have hay fever  and no one else in my house will cut the lawn, I cut the lawn early as the pollen count is lower *sigh* the happy life of a hay fever sufferer aye? After that, I have to get all my gear together as I'm performing with my lovely friend at a small vintage fair in the next village to were I live! I am super excited for this little afternoon set as my friend is so talented on the guitar and piano and her voice is magical compared to mine! Pimms anyone?

Tuesday: I get a lay in! Yes! First of all need to pick up everyone's prescription from the pharmacy and then I have to get ready for work! I am working from 11am - 2pm! Once finished, I will probably come home, quickly do my OOTW and then rush off to rehearsal's with my lovely boys in my band, and do some more song writing! 

Wednesday: Again I am working, full day today so not much exciting going on from 8am - 4pm, however seeing me through the day is knowing that I get to go home to watch TV in bed, and have my movie night! 

Thursday: Today I am off to go and do the food shopping, and do the cleaning in the house! The amount of chores I end up doing in my house I sometimes wonder how I end up having any spare time at all! I work in the afternoon in the multi-sensory department so I only work from 1pm - 4pm, which is nice but also makes me sleepy! Recently I have been going for a meal with my colleague Esther after work, and then coming home to snuggle in bed!

Friday: Relaxing day! Today is the day I tend to do, well, nothing. I have managed to get everything in the week that I can finally relax... But wait. I have to do song writing, and I also have my singing lesson's on a Friday afternoon... Oh jeez. Once everything is done, I can finally relax, and watch a movie in bed, snuggle up and go to sleep!

Saturday: Saturday's tend to be spontaneous, often depending on weather and what's going on... However this is the weekend I work... I work every other weekend, and this weekend is my rota week. On Saturdays at work we tend to take the children out on a trip, which is always really nice, to get out and have fun while working!

So, that's this week rounded up... See you next Sunday for my Weekly Overview!!

Much Love

Emma Victoria


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