Friday 28 June 2013

Music - It Makes My World Go Round!

Today I was sat in the staff room with my colleague Lucy, when she asked me if I would do a blog post on some of the music I listen to, as she was intrigued! So here I shall post some links to my favourite Rockabilly/Rock'N'Roll singers and bands that I listen to, so you get a taste of my taste!

Imelda May is probably my heroin in Rockabilly! She was the first person I really got into Rocakbilly with, her voice is perfect and beautiful! I just wish I was this woman! Everything about her and her music is perfect! Below is the first song I ever listened to of Imelda's and that's 'Johnny Got a Boom Boom'.

Jerry Lee Lewis is one of the first male Rock'N'Roll men I ever listened to, the other being Elvis. Great Balls of Fire, ironically was the second song I actually heard, the first song I heard was Wild One, which honestly in a way I prefer, generally because if you ever ask anyone for a Jerry Lee song, they tend to say Great Balls of Fire and then the other songs! So here is 'Wild One'.

Elvis Presley probably the most iconic (not forgetting amazingly gorgeous) man of Rock and Roll. He is the King... and who doesn't love the the King?! If you haven't heard an Elvis song, then where have you been all this time?! I thought I'd share with you my favourite song right now which Elvis did, now I know that Brenda Lee originally did 'Always on my Mind' however, I adore Elvis' version, its so melancholy and emotive, and I love it very much!

The Stray Cats - you can't have rockabilly without The Stray Cats!! They revived the Rockabillu scene back in the 80's, and if it wasn't for them, Rockabilly wouldn't be really were it is now, without that key revival what would us Rockabillies do?! One of my favourite Stray Cats songs at the moment is Rock This Town, my band actually covered this at our gig in the Isle of Wight, and the crowd loved it, just as much as we do! 

Bill Haley and His Comets were huge in the 50's. I love Shake Rattle & Roll! I won't ever forget actually listening to this in my English Class at college and silently rocking out to myself, and my teacher wondering what on earth I was doing! 

Kat Men is formed of Darrell Higham (Imelda May's husband and lead guitarist), Al Gare (also Imelda May's double bassist) and Slim Jim Phantom from the Stray Cats. This band strives complete perfection to me! I recently got their new album 'The Kat Men Cometh' after seeing them on Jools Holland... again another perfect band! 

The Playtones  are a swedish Rockabilly band, who participated in Melodifestivalen in 2011 with their song 'The King'. After seeing them perform on the show, I instantly fell in love with the Swedish Rockabilly Band. The band who used to be called 'Boppin' Steve and The Playtones' before 2008, and then changed to 'The Playtones'. I have to admit, I fan girl over this band a lot, and when they tweeted me on twitter (yes! Little old me!!) I completely died a little inside- and now they also follow me!! 

Top Cats were another band that performed in Melodifestivalen but in 2012! They have been together since 2001, and I absolutely love this band (especially Jon Kleppenes, le fan girl) the first song I heard of theirs was Heartache, off their album Heartache/No More Heartache. (Jon Kleppenes in fact liked a photo of me on Instagram... lets just say, I was fan girling round the house and work for the 2 days after he liked that picture!). The song I am currently in deep love with is Baby Doll which was the song they used for Melodifestivalen... For me this song is the point of a view of a greaser boy meeting his perfect pin-up girl... His Baby Doll...

Knocksville is in fact a local band relatively near to were I live. I saw them live when they supported Big Boy Bloater at the Haunt in Brighton with my lovely friend Anja! I bought their album then, and ever since haven't stopped listening to them! 

Well, these are only some of the people and bands I listen to. If I listed them all, we'd be here forever! These are some of the songs and bands that also inspire me to write, sing, and be confident with the way I am, whether people stare in the street, I am proud to say I'm a rockabilly, and I won't be changing for anyone!

Love and Hugs

Emma Victoria


PS - I also have a YouTube video which I'm editing all about my rockabilly dresses! So please keep a look out for it soon!

Its now only 2 weeks till my 18th birthday! Comment below if you'd like to see a wishlist post on my blog for what I want! 

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