Sunday 7 July 2013

Weekly Overview; 7th July

My oh my! I am adoring this beautiful weather! It gives me even more excuse to wear one of my gorgeous dresses! Its the time of the week for the weekly overview, and today I'm writing outside because I cant bare to be inside with this weather!

My baby boy means the world to me!
Today All day I've just been sat in the garden and now I'm just watching the tennis while I write my blog! As you can see in the picture I'm having a no make-up day (I have some silly spots again so need a make-up free day to get rid of them!) and just relaxing with my dog, who is really struggling in this heat! Poor Freddie!

Monday I have some errands to run, and I need to go to Sainsbury's with my mum to buy some stuff for my birthday cake and possibly an air bed as I have 2 friends staying round on Friday night! Otherwise, I will spend the day relaxing and doing paperwork outside *yawn*

Tuesday I need to plan my OOTW, and get it all sorted! After, I'm not quite sure! I may do some of the cleaning and tidy my room and possibly hang some pictures on the wall, which I'm still undecided whether they should be on the wall or not! 

Wednesday My mum starts baking my birthday cake today, so I said I'd help her, as it's a little complex! I also have the shopping being delivered, so I need to put that all away, as well as book a table for Friday! I will also be cutting the lawn and doing some gardening as my garden is so messy!

Thursday I have a pedicure and a manicure to look forward to! And I also have booked myself in to get my hair cut, as its getting rather long now, and you can't really see the layers! Yay! My brother has scouts in the evening and I need to start sewing his name into some of his clothes as he is going on a scouts jamboree the first week of August! I also need to get my dress out and need to start looking for a new suspender belt as my favourite one sadly broke!

Friday ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! I'll be 18 years old! How time fly's! Today is a relatively busy but also relaxed day! I have a lay-in to around 8am-8.30am and my mum will make me some pancakes for a special birthday breakfast! And then I can open all my birthday presents and cards, my dad will also be taking the day off work, and my brother has an inset day from school! We are all going out for a family lunch to celebrate and then in the evening I am going out for a meal with my friends, and also have some friends coming over to stay! (I will probably have a drink, seeing as I'm legal... It'd be rude not too.)

Saturday My family have decided we are having a barbecue so its probably just another relaxed and chilled out day!

So, this week is pretty relaxed and chilled, but knowing my luck, loads of things will pop up and I'll end up being busy again!

Much Love

Emma Victoria


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